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Mission execution specifics

In case of automatic take-off, it is strongly recommended to place the first waypoint above the actual location of the vehicle. Otherwise, the vehicle will reach the first waypoint in a straight line thus possibly causing danger.

Flight plan element / actionSupportNotes
Change speedPartialChanging of flight speed during the mission may work only on latest
3.3.x firmware.
PanoramaPartialOnly clock-wise movement is supported due to Ardupilot firmware bug. UgCS provides correct angle values according to Mavlink specification.
Set camera modePartialOnly photo mode is supported.
See Camera trigger command
Set camera by timePartial"First shot delay" parameter is not supported. See note below.
Set camera by distancePartialOnly "Distance" parameter is supported. See note below.
Set camera attitudeNo
Set POIYes
Change yawYes


Camera series by time and by distance.

When the mission includes a camera series (by time or by distance) action and mission flight is interrupted by issuing any command that interferes with the mission (eg. Hold, Click&Go, RTH) during active camera series then triggering will stop until the vehicle reaches the next waypoint with the camera trigger action.

Camera series by distance on ArduCopter prior to version 3.6

When the mission includes a camera series by distance action and mission flight is interrupted by issuing any command that interferes with a mission (eg. Hold, Click&Go, RTH) during active camera series then the triggering will go on until the "Continue" command is issued and vehicle reaches the next waypoint without camera trigger action. This is because of Ardupilot limitation which does not allow to stop camera triggering via standalone command.