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Manual Lidar IMU calibration

The main goal of the calibration pattern is to put drones to their maximum ability in terms of roll angle. That literally means passing the eight-figure at the maximum possible speed, which will make a proper IMU calibration.

It is possible to make manual IMU calibration, which is available for the UgCS EXPERT and ENTERPRISE licenses and supported DJI drones - M600, M300, or M210/M200.

When the drone is connected to UgCS, the "Pattern" button will be available in the "Commands".


Depending on the Lidar model, two figure types can be chosen.



Eight figure


Figures parameters

Speed, m/sThe horizontal speed of the drone, m/s
Width, mWidth of the bounding box of the figure. Default: 30 meters
Length, mLength of the bounding box of the figure
Altitude, mAltitude above elevation in the figure center
Direction angleSpecifies the azimuth of forwarding passes
(you can turn figure)
Number of cyclesNumber of cycles