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Autopilot parameters

There is a number of MAVlink parameters that are changed on autopilot during operation. Parameters are set during route upload and command execution.

COM_LOW_BAT_ACTModified if route parameters set failsafe action on low battery.
MIS_YAWMODESet to 0 on route upload if "auto heading" is set to yes.
See also Force heading to next WP
MPC_XY_CRUISEModified when the Click&Go command is issued on the vehicle.
MPC_XY_VEL_MAXModified when the Click&Go command is issued and the specified speed exceeds the current value of MPC_XY_VEL_MAX.
NAV_RCL_ACTModified if route parameters set failsafe action on RC signal loss.
RTL_RETURN_ALTModified if route parameters set Emergency return altitude.